A Short Bio

Art is a journey for the artist and while many will say it is a journey of self-discovery, for me it is often more about discovering the world around me. It’s as if I am seeing the world with new eyes. Instead of seeing an entire scene, I find myself zeroing in on a single flower, leaves scattered on the ground, interesting bark, the way the sun streams through trees to cast shadows on the forest floor and so on.
Comedians seek to get a laugh, actors a reaction, with my art I hope to delight the viewer in the intricacies of the wonderful creation. I want you to see, really see the extraordinary in the very ordinary.
Sketching has always been a part time hobby. In 2009, I started a 42-week course to learn how to flesh out my sketches. Along with the drawing lessons were a couple in introductory courses to painting with acrylic. Immediately I became hooked!
I find myself scrambling to clean up the house, prepare meals and run errands so as to clear the schedule for maximum time in my painting loft. The time spent painting is some of the most serene. The world around me with all its hurry and noise slips into the background almost unnoticed and the delight in just creating consumes me.
Pictured below: A banner of my art of the old mill flies in South Glengarry County every summer. The Old Grist Mill is a Martintown landmark turned into a showplace for arts and crafts. The next three images are from my exhibition inside of the mill. And the last image is one of the 23 times I exhibited art at McMaster Innovation Park (Art in the Workplace).
Prints of my art may be purchased at https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/lisa-macdonald/